Hope Pole Holding & Safety Watching
Keep Your Construction Project on Track!
Metro Power Inc. offers Pole Holding & Safety Watching services to help keep construction workers safe when working near electric power poles. By hiring Metro Power Inc., construction companies in Hope can avoid the risk of poles falling over and harming employees or delaying the project deadline. Our staff is trained to work safely and follow strict policies and procedures so that the work being done is done without any danger.
What is pole holding?
We will help you avoid dangerous pole falls that may cause damage to your project or delay your project by a few days.
Pole holding prevents electricians from touching live electrical wires. This is usually accomplished by using pole strainers or safety watches.
How pole holding helps?
Pole holding ensures that any electrical equipment is not in the way of the poles. Safety Watch will ensure that you do not come into contact with dangerous objects by using protective gear such as gloves or clothing.
We offer pole holding services to help you stay safe while you are excavating near power poles. You may not know that you can damage power poles by disrupting their stability by moving them or removing their supports.
The protected zone covers an area that extends 4x the diameter of the pole from the ground and slopes away from the Earth to a minimum of 3 metres/4 metres.
All temporary slope cuts must be protected at all times and constructed according to Work Safe BC regulations.

What is safety watching?
There are electrical workers who are designated to ensure that employees are safe when they are working near power lines. WorkSafeBC and BC Hydro require them to be on-site during any work involving overhead power lines.
EHs (Electrician’s Helpers) are electricians who stay alert for potential hazards.
How safety watching helps?
We have policies and procedures in place to ensure that all our employees work safely during our construction projects. We train all of our employees to follow them. We have policies and procedures in place to ensure that people work safely, and we train our employees to follow them so that they don’t cause any damage.
Workers who use cranes, boom trucks, window cleaners, and others who operate near power lines need a 30M33 permit to operate their equipment.
You need to know how to operate machinery safely and do things that may cause injury to you or others.